Featured Stories

Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness.
- Desmond Tutu
Frederick Jr
Fredrick lived 11 wonderful years. He is truly a full trisomy 13 soldier after everything he went through; hospital stays, multi -specialty doctor visits, surgeries, therapies, etc........ When he was first born he stayed in the NICU for almost 3 months. Like all doctors think and say, “he is not compatible to life.” He did his purpose on earth, he touched a lot of people that he meet, and the people that he knew. He proved to them, he is compatible to life, when he couldn’t even speak. Psalm 139: 13-16. God created him and all his days ordained were written in his book. Fredrick is Forever our Angel on Earth and in Heaven.

Emery Giovanni Banda
There was never a night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope.
-Bernard Williams
Once you choose hope anything is possible.
-Christopher Reeve

Our beautiful Emery Giovanni Banda, was born still on March 15th, 2020. I had the privilege of carrying Emery for 38 weeks and 6 days. Emery was the definition of a warrior. Although Emery lived a short life she touched the lives of all her family in so many ways. Her strong and courageous spirit gave all of us the strength we needed to venture on the T18 journey. Emery brought all of the family so much closer, and head over heels in love with her when we had yet to even meet her. Losing Emery definitely has left Mommy and Daddy with a void that will never fade until we meet again and are able to hold her once again. Forever Mommy and Daddy’s sweet babygirl, we love you baby!
Mason Alexander Richardson
I was 16 weeks pregnant when my world shattered. We went in to find out the gender. So simple. We had bought food and cookies for the gender reveal. Family and friends were coming. It was suppose to be a day of laughter and good memories. The doctor started my ultrasound and was having trouble seeing a heartbeat. She asked to do a transvaginal one instead. I instantly knew something was wrong. And unfortunately I was right. It took all of 30 seconds for her to break my heart. He had fluid built up around his heart which caused him to die. My innocent little baby. The next day I had to have a dnc. It took 2 weeks to get the results. That's when we found out it was a boy and named him. He is missed everyday. My tadpole <3
Aiden Jax

Aiden Jax Gonzalez was born 7/27/18 at 10:19 am and sadly went to heaven the same day at 3:25 pm. He lived a beautiful 5 hrs/6 mins. At my 14 wk ultrasound scan Aiden was found to have Trisomy 13. The specialist asked me to terminate my pregnancy which I refused immediately, with prayers/faith/hope I continued my pregnancy hoping for a miracle & that Aiden would be healthy. Hearing the Dr tell us that he was "not compatible with life" was the worst, but we kept our faith/hope strong. The chances of Aiden's heart stopping inside my womb were high, yet I carried him for 40 wks/2 days. Aiden was a brave/strong lil boy, he fought to meet his family, he fought until his last breath. I am so proud to be Aiden's Mommy.

Will James Cowen
We lost our sweet baby boy Will James Cowen to trisomy 13 after having 26 minutes with him. Those precious minutes were spent holding him, kissing him, and telling him how much we love him. We believe that God chose us to be his parents and to be able to provide the most unconditional kind of love during his time on earth. He brought my husband and I closer to God and we are so grateful to have had our special moments with him.
Samuel Jude Sexton
Lost my son Samuel Jude at 18 weeks pregnant due to complications from Trisomy 15. Still battling this everyday. We love you son we will never forget you!